Sunday 26 November 2006

Caroline Kennedy Must Be Crazy

He doesn’t have long to live so I’d better tell the truth about him before it’d be bad taste to do so.

Gerald Ford did more to destroy American democracy than any American alive.

But Caroline Kennedy was dumb enough to give Ford the “Profiles in Courage Award,” named after her father’s prize-winning book.

Gerald Ford was the go-to guy on the Warren Commission whose sole purpose was to cover up all the facts about who assassinated Caroline’s daddy and why.

According to Nixon, the purpose of the Watergate burglary was to protect “the Bay of Pigs mess” from being exposed.

“Bay of Pigs mess” as Nixonspeak for the Kennedy assassination since to Tricky Dick, JFK.s murder grew out of his botching of the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba.

Since JFK’s little brother, Bobby, was hell-bent on tracking down the killers, Bobby got offed too.

And Caroline awarded the guy who covered up her daddy’s death and, by so doing, put her uncle’s head on the chopping block.

What in the world was she thinking?

But old Ford didn’t stop there. When Nixon needed a “mechanic” to fix his own Watergate mess he made Ford Vice President. When Ford became President he pardoned Nixon before he could even be indicted. And not just for Watergate, Nixon was pardoned for any act he’d ever committed during his entire life.

Thus the truth of Watergate, the Bay of Pigs, why Nixon was in Dallas on November 22nd 1963, the secret government he and the Dulles brothers and Howard Hughes formed in the ‘50’s were all buried forever and no one would ever have to answer for their treason under oath.

When she was a silly teen Caroline use to go dancing with my cousin, Sterling St. Jaques. Maybe she left her common sense on the floor at Studio 54.

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