Sunday 26 November 2006

“Bad Guys”

In an old movie starring Stephanie Zimbalist she refers to “bad guys.” Another character says, “Bad Guys? That’s Bureau talk.”

Fast forward a couple of decades and we find CBS, ABC, Fox and NBC all mouthing FBI Bureau talk.

The American newsmedia – largely owned and controlled by members or buddies of the Military Industrial Complex – has deteriorated into propagandists for the Bush administration’s Warmongering, crusading and unrelenting efforts to turn American and the world into a global police state,

The networks talking heads use infantile language to steer the drugged-out zombie minds of the American public. Anyone who resists American imperialism, oil snatching or regime change (i.e., replacing one Arab puppet with new ones) is called a “bad guy.”

If Americans were not high on prozac, cocaine, methamphetamine and Angelina Jolie, they’d be insulted to be spoken to as if they were pre-schoolers.

A sober people would demand historical analysis, various points of view and some perspective on why guerrillas risk their lives to oppose the American war machine.

But the networks known the American public doesn’t have the sense the Congelese have. They, at least, rioted in the streets when somebody tried to steal their election. Americans merely wined about moving to Canada when the Bush-CIA-New World Order stole their elections… twice!

Check out the Sunday morning kindergarten shows: Face the Nation, This Week and Meet the Press. Like Washington versions of Access Hollywood they bombard us with the same liars week after week. Condoleeza Rise, Joe Biden, John McCain and the rest. Instead of presenting different views, they present the neocon opinion (“Kill ‘em all now and then kill their ghosts”) and the “liberal” view (“kill most of them, but only after we form an international coalition – and let the coalition kill the rest of them. But, please, not their ghosts”) … and pretend that’s balance reporting.

They let the spindoctors get away without coming close to answering the questions presented. They just provide a platform for Rice and the rest to blather on and on ad nauseum.

And most of the time they book the same administration liar on all four shows.

So who are the “bad guys?” When most of the world hears the phrase they think of Bush, Blair, Rice and Rumsfeld, Wolfawitz, Sharon and Gonzalez.

They’ve got the bodies to prove it.

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